A New Record!

Bank of America set a new record today.  It sent me the terms and conditions on their treasury services -- 48(!) full 8-1/2 by 11 inch pages with 10-point font.  Unbelieveable.

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What was it that Shakespeare said about lawyers?

I'm sure most of the document was about protecting your rights as a consumer. Rigghhtttt.

Yesterday, I bought 3 boards at Menards lumber yard in Burnsville, MN. To get out of the yard, I had to sign their portable electronic device after checking a box that said I agreed to all terms and conditions on the sales receipt. I spent the next 15 minutes carefully reading the page and a half of fine print there. Hope the people in line behind me didn't mind!!! (The poor guy responsible for implementing this stupidity sure did.)

It just shows what happens when lawyers are allowed to charge (and be paid) by the hour.