You're Making It Difficult

Memo to those of Mexican descent in the US:  I am trying hard here to stand up for your right to be here seeking opportunity and to be free of state harassment, but you are making it difficult when your kids have this kind of reaction to American-flag T-shirts:

"I think they should apologize cause it is a Mexican Heritage Day," Annicia Nunez, a Live Oak High student, said. "We don't deserve to be get disrespected like that. We wouldn't do that on Fourth of July."

I just spent three days arguing with locals in Phoenix that our basketball team wearing "los Suns" uniforms is not somehow dissing on the US, and then your kids fire off the same kind of BS in reverse?  Just great.

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And you were expecting any different?

Although I disagree with your stance on immigration, I do feel your pain when it comes to people making it difficult to support your stance.

Steve Kerr, Suns General Manager: “It’s hard to imagine in this country that we have to produce papers, It rings up images of Nazi Germany.” But no, no dissing intended, of course. He meant Nazi in a nice way.

How can one have rational discussions with these people?


ASSIMILATION, it is not hard, and that is a BIG reason why we have borders. They have come in such large numbers that they have little incentive to become Americans, as they live in neighborhoods that are made up of all people like themselves, they have already been able to force companies and the government to cater to them and them specifically. Press one for English, press two for Spanish, screw all the rest of the nationalities. English as a second language classes for the entire 12 years of school. Get in trouble and need to go to court, if you do not speak English, but do speak Spanish, then your cases will be heard first and your sentences or fines will be either suspended, forgiven, or reduced to next to nothing while simultaneously being apologized to for having to come to court at all, everyone else, full fines, full time, and a reprimand because as an actual American you should have known better.

You are absolutely right Coyote, these people make it very very hard for you, except, even with this I still support legal immigration, I just do not support unlimited unregulated immigration because this is part of exactly what happens when you do allow it. Try running a business with free refills in Mexico, good luck with that, their culture is not the same as ours. It takes time for them to adjust, and those parts of their culture that are benefits for us we will adapt voluntarily and happily, we do not need them shoved down our throats in our own country. How many french words do we use? Spanish? German? Where did we get most of our American Culture? It was from immigrants, the whole country is full of immigrants and descendants of immigrants, but our nation is mature today and we do not need our culture upended in order to cater to people who do not respect us but demand we respect them in our own country.

You cannot expect to be treated with respect Coyote when you yourself refuse to respect yourself, and our culture deserves to be respected. Opening our borders and allowing any and every person who wants to come here and TAKE ADVANTAGE of our society is not respecting ourselves, thus you cannot expect them to treat America with the respect that it should deserve and has earned. Instead, they are free to flaunt our laws and even to walk out in the open and make demands of those who legally hold total claim to what is America. They have not one claim, yet there they are making the claims and people like you tell them they have a right to make that claim. It used to be pressed that those who come here would be expected to respect our culture and work to fit in and add to it, can you say that is the case any longer? I do not see it. Legal, controlled, regulated immigration that keeps the level of immigration low enough to allow full assimilation while being fast enough to feed the employment needs of the whole, that is what is needed. People in third world countries are not going to control their immigration on their own to a level that is beneficial and not destructive to this nation, because even if our nation was half as well off as it is today, they are still magnitudes better off for coming here to take advantage. America has to control the flow of immigrants to the level that is in Americas best interest.

I'm guessing that los Suns would be entirely humorless if 20,000 undocumented fans showed up and demanded free admission to their games.

Perhaps not, unless the game was sold out and they replaced 20,000 paying customers. That might wake someone up.

“We don’t deserve to be get disrespected like that. We wouldn’t do that on Fourth of July.”

I'm curious what sort of reception a Fourth of July celebration would get in Mexico City.

Were not even talking about a Mexican holiday here. Cico de Mayo was created by the Mexican beer industry to sell more beer in the US.

And this illustrates the problem. Large numbers of people are freely moving into this country from an adjacent nation which has historical claims (albeit worthless ones) on a part of our nation. This is occurring in an environment in which assimilation is not encouraged and in fact is assailed by our political and media classes. Clearly these people are retaining significant ties to the old country and, ultimately, there may be a tipping point reached where the US may not be able to hold onto parts of our country. I do not find it far fetched to imagine a not too distant future where large irridentist movements take control of the southwest. And, it will all be because people like Warren foolishly had such good intentions and such faith in the motives of others. But then, the facts on the ground will have changed and it will be too late. But it is not too late to repent...

Oddly enough, RJP, Nazi Germany began exactly like that... with special ID cards that eventually turned into yellow stars and then tattoos for the camps. And all the while through, people rationalized and believed that nothing truly bad could really happen in such a free and law-abiding country.

I am living a housing complex where there are as many immigrants as "natives" and I can vouch that immigrants are no worse or better than white people. I don't even know whether they are illegal or legal immigrants and frankly I don't care. I think I'd actually prefer illegal immigrants, because then I would at least be assured that they don't just came in to suck on social services...

Sure, I live in Europe, bur what the Mexicans are to you, the Turkish or Arabs are to the Europeans....

Boglee: "I’m guessing that los Suns would be entirely humorless if 20,000 undocumented fans showed up and demanded free admission to their games."

That's not a bad idea. Just try and walk into a game, and when asked for your ticket, demand to know what sort of Nazi would require documentation to prevent movement in a free country!

Should you get inside, sit anywhere you want: courtside, skyboxes, broadcast booth, free throw line, etc., not forgetting that you have a "right" to free food and souvenirs. Don't worry, it could all be paid for by just charging the paying customers more!

That's how it should work out if the "Los Suns" want to be consistent in their thinking.

Its not complicated. You must respect and support theirs, just not ours. The US is transforming to a point where where national pride is scorned, laughed at, disrespected - which results in weakness, and an occassional bitch slap across the face of lady liberty by whoever has the urge, and the reaction being a mix of pentent up fear and anger, but mostly just lowered heads and slumped shoulders.

As Ayn Rand would say, "Check your assumptions."

Your assumptions backing your position, are flawed.

astonerii: "ASSIMILATION, it is not hard, and that is a BIG reason why we have borders. They have come in such large numbers that they have little incentive to become Americans, as they live in neighborhoods that are made up of all people like themselves, they have already been able to force companies and the government to cater to them and them specifically. Press one for English, press two for Spanish, screw all the rest of the nationalities. English as a second language classes for the entire 12 years of school. Get in trouble and need to go to court, if you do not speak English, but do speak Spanish, then your cases will be heard first and your sentences or fines will be either suspended, forgiven, or reduced to next to nothing while simultaneously being apologized to for having to come to court at all, everyone else, full fines, full time, and a reprimand because as an actual American you should have known better."

These exact arguments, or forms of them, were used against the Irish and the Italians only a century ago, and the Dutch before that.

The principal was an idiot. He could have used the issue as a teaching moment pointing out that the U.S. supported the Mexican republicans under Juarez. But no, the spineless PC route was taken.

“We don’t deserve to be get disrespected like that. We wouldn’t do that on Fourth of July.”

Ignorant and vicious--why not add drunk for a compleat trifecta.

Gales of riotous laughter. Already have.

No American can be disrespected by the American flag.

No American would cheer for foreign teams when national teams clash. It would be disrespectful. Oh, wait.

And stupidity is now expected to be rarer than in the past?

Nothing new here except the willingness of the media to quote idiocy as if it deserved to be noted at all, except with contempt.

What are your views on La Raza and the Reconquista movement?


Don't care, immigration for them was legal and encouraged, and our media and our politicians embraced and pressed for assimilation. Back in those days it was not politically incorrect to make jokes about the immigrants, and they did their damnedest to fit in. They worked very hard to insure that their kids grew up fully American, to the point that when their children started trying to act out in the old ways of their homeland, based on stories of the adults, they would be reprimanded and have reinforcing education on how to act and be American. Your argument may work well on an uninformed person, but does not work on someone who has a clue about where America came from, what the ideals of the founders were, how it evolved to the point it is today. I am proud of my country, proud enough that I served in the military out of a sense of duty to her and proud enough to have learned the history of her and proud enough to know that allowing an entire 5% to 10% of the population to be made up of people who do not love her is going to be bad all around for this country. Flaunting our laws, crossing our borders, taking our jobs, stealing our wealth all the while thinking they have some sort of birthright to do it all and having a group of people like Coyote here backing up their claims. Coyote is a very strange person, most people who make a life for themselves, building a business usually actually know the value of something earned is far greater than very same said thing stolen or given. I am starting to have reservations about his business models and wonder if he really does employ Americans for it, I just cannot fathom why an entrepreneur would be able to have both world views at the very same time, unless it in fact helps his business.


When my mother came to the US from Sweden in the 1950's, she was required to carry her green card at all times, just like every resident alien, until she became a citizen about ten years ago. Have you been railing about the US following the path of Nazi Germany for the last 60 years or is this a new concern of your?

Again I ask: How can one have a rational discussion with these people when every attempt to have some control over our national sovereignty is met with cries of "Nazi!"?


When will people see this for what it really is?

"The teacher is a high school history teacher. His name is Ron Gochez and he was speaking at a La Raza Rally at UCLA."

“We are revolutionary Mexican organization here. We understand that this is not just about Mexico. It’s about a global struggle against imperialism and capitalism… At the forefront of this revolutionary movement is La Raza. We will no longer fall for these lies called borders. We see America as a northern front of a revolutionary movement… Our enemy is capitalism and imperialism.”

Like any good liberal attack it starts off labeling anyone that opposes them as frail racist white people wanting to keep them out of occupied mexican territory. This is who is teaching kids today. Do you think once they take it back they will allow whites or african americans to peacfully live in CA and respect our "right to be here seeking opportunity and to be free of state harassment"?

There is no such thing as person of "Mexican Descent", as Mexican is not a race. There are white Mexicans, mestizos, and some indigenous, even some Arabs, like the world's richest man...

I'd just like to say that quoting one high school kid and using it to paint an entire group is worthless, disingenuous, and pathetic. You can do better to foster an intelligent discussion.