One of My Favorite Short Stories as a Boy

I rediscovered today an old favorite of mine, a short story written by Winston Churchill (yes, the same guy) in about 1930.  My son was searching for examples of alternative history, and found "If Lee Had Not Won the Battle of Gettysburg"

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In a similar vein, The Man in the High Castle by Philip K Dick is an excellent alternate history inside another alternate history (that time about WWII). If you haven't read it, it's definitely worth a look.

Cool. Oddly, one of the other articles in that issue is written by Rick Neuheisel's mom!?!

Not to be missed: James Thurber's "If Grant Had Been Drinking At Appomattix"

As Thurber described it:

"Scribner's" magazine is publishing a series of three articles: "If Booth Had Missed Lincoln," "If Lee Had Won the Battle of Gettysburg," and "If Napoleon Had Escaped to America." This is the fourth.