Government-Enforced Pre-Paid Medical Plans
The banning of catastrophic-only plans infuriates me the most. Those are the only plans that are actually financially sensible for a healthy individual to purchase. Everything else on the market is a perverse by-product of the employer-based insurance system.
Worst case scenario with a catastrophic-only plan is you end up with $10,000 in debt. That’s a debt load many times smaller than what the Federal government thinks students should take out to get a college degree. We’ll let you borrow $100,000 to get a sociology degree but, we think that $10,000 is an unconscionable amount to pay for medical expenses? So unconscionable that we have to FORCE YOU to buy a plan with more extensive coverage?
Of course, we all know the real reason for this. it’s meant to force healthy young people to subsidize healthcare for older sicker people. Just force them to pay more for insurance than they ought to, and force them to buy more extensive coverage than is rational.
re: " reimbursement rates are driving doctors away, including one of mine. They’ve shut down all new Mediscare patients, and are transitioning existing out. They’re talking about closing shop."
Not where I live dumbass.
"You don’t just “fill in the payor” shitforbrains – there’s a lot more to it than that if you’re a provider, and it’s completely unsurprising you’re ignorant of those details."
it's a fill in the blank dumbass... I've seen it. Have you?
The situation is getting much, much worse.
only in your only pea brain fool
Seriously, Larry, you are beyond stupid - you’re flat-out waste of space.
me? hahahhbhabhahahh mesa - you're just plain ignorant and proud of it!
I do want you to stick around for a few more years, so you can see how bad this gets. Then when you need treatment most, I hope the state/Obamascare kills you, slowly and painfully. That would be an appropriate end to your pathetic existence.
right.. I'll be around long after you're gone guy cuz I know how to stay out of traffic!
you know pathetic is you anti-Obama neebubs... ya'll just can't stand the fact that he not only got elected, but twice ... so you run around like idiots blathering whatever the latest echo chamber pablum is being fed to you.
“Not where I live dumbass.”
The actual doctors that the rest of us use don’t dress up in clown suits, Larry.
Larry, I’ve worked in a hospital, and for an ambulance service. None of what you believe is true.
“I know how to stay out of traffic!”
Actually, Larry, I’ll probably be driving the bus which hits
you, shitforbrains.
we have LOTS of doctors here dufus... and not a one dresses up in a clown suit.
I've watched more than one person at the doctor key in the data - you give them a card - they key it in and give the card back. they do not care who the payer is as long as they accept it and I've yet to see a single doctor say they do not accept Medicare but I've seen several that say they won't take TrICARE (military health insurance).
you live on right wing echo chamber propaganda guy. you have no honest thoughts
of your own. Whatever they blather out - you repeat.
the reality that people actually deal with is very different than your propaganda.
the reality is that most doctors willingly take Medicare and it is just as easy to process as private insurance - they just need the numbers on the card. that's the reality. There are no "government" clinics for people on Medicare and MedicAid. there are no govt doctors or hospitals... they're all private. The only real govt healthcare with govt hospitals and govt doctors is the VA.
> I’m stumped.
It's display behavior. This is all we have seen from anyone here in response to me.
I see.
Are you quite sure it has nothing to do with your total, astonishing and complete incoherence, and elevated creepy factor, resulting therefrom?
That could possibly have something to do with your situation.
Purely hypothetical, of course.
typical behavior from Meso and others here...and other places that do not ban idiots who engage in Ad Hominem attacks.