Sorry About the Feed Spamming

I apologize to my feed subscribers - some of you got spammed with two or three copies of some of the same old posts.  Oops.  I had to fix up my XML to get it to work right with FeedBurner and every time I republished I think I was sending out new feeds of the same posts.

Anyway, I think we are done, though there still seems to be some oddball stuff happening with the old RDF feed.  If you are having problems, you may change your feed source to Coyote Blog to this:

You don't have to switch -- the old feed sources will still work if they are operating OK for you.  Also, I hopefully got the auto-detect code right on the page, so that just putting in in most modern feed readers will cause the reader to auto-detect the correct feed.  Again, though, don't hesitate to comment or email with issues.