Disney Princess Half Marathon

Well, as promised, I wanted to post our race day picture from the half marathon.  This was done for my daughter's benefit, who set the goal to run a half marathon about 6 months ago and figured the promise of a Disney trip would be incentive to stay on top of her training.


She schlepped that tutu and that tiara for the whole 13.1, walking only at a couple of the last water stops.  This event was 95% women, and attracts a LOT of folks who really don't run the whole thing, so it was a great place for her to begin.  It's also pretty laid back, as there are actually character photo ops every mile, though we skipped those.  I have not seen our time, but we probably did about 2:45.  That's 20 minutes worse than my time five years ago -- it would be nice to say I was holding back to stay with my daughter but in fact she pulled me through the last mile.  Muscles and cardio were fine but the knees and ankles really can't take it any more.  But I proudly wore this bad boy all day.

If you are interested in this sort of thing, it was a great event, going through two of their parks.  The only problem is that it has to take place before the parks are open, so we had to set the wake-up call for 3:15 AM.  Uggh.  The butt-crack of dawn, as my sister calls it.

And yes, I did help make the tutu, with the aid of this video.  It is videos like that that remind me there are whole worlds of which I am virtually unaware.   Note the number of views - 1.4 million, on making a tutu.

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I love your shirt! Daughter looks snazzy too, of course. ;-)

Not quite `Men in Tights` but Star Wars is a pretty good theme. :)

Congratulations. I'm proud of you both.
The knee "thingies" are really cute.

Thee are warm winter days in Florida so most races, foot or bicycle - start early.

As they say:
"daughters are angels in disguise"

I seriously thought that you were also going to wear a tutu.

Nice suit, Biggs! (or were you Wedge?)

LOL, yah, sure. The t-storm that blew through NoFL yesterday @ 45mph was a cold front that will have it down into the high 20s by this weekend. So much for that freezing snap last week being "the last one of the season".

One thing that I've noticed of late is that, thanks to "global warming", we have been having cold snaps (down to 40 or so in FL) all the way into May for quite a few years now. And we had a cold snap last October, too, also "atypical", as a long time FL resident (born here). So here's my global warming prediction: evening temps down into the mid-low 40s (<47) sometime in MAY.

FL does get warm weather, certainly -- 80ish in the last week after the freeze earlier -- but it also gets freaking cold as hell (for FL, anyway) well through March.

Thanks for sharing the tutu video link! I also ran the Princess Half and couldn't justify forking over the $75 bucks for the sparkle skirts at the expo! Instead I hit up the Macys children's section- $15 for a colorful sparkle skirt-SCORE